

Saturday, December 6, 2014

i'm not organized, i just plan and calculate the risk better

if i were asked 2 give an advice on how 2 be more organized in your work, i would say:

my face when people say i'm organized :)
Plan! Plan and Plan!. Never ever do things without planning.  To be honest, i plan almost everything in my life, every second of it (to the time that i should eat, i time myself) and calculated the risk that comes with it (what if i dont do it now and can i do later and what if i didn't managed to do it tomorrow kind of situation).  i know, i'm such a boring person but the truth is, if you planned your life or work, you have a clear direction on what you are doing.  

Believe me, i have been asked to do 10 things (or more) in one go.  i end up feeling like my head is about to explode due to information overload (true story).  So whenever i got this kind of situation (which is almost everyday) this is what i do:

1.  start your day or end your day with planning :).  know what you want to do and plan for it.  you don't have to do it on the same day (unless it's urgent) but you need to remember to do it.

2.list everything down! And the solution if u remember. Taking the first step is important,even if it is as small as photocopying a paper.  

3.always carry with u a pen and paper wherever u go, u dont know when ideas will strike.  if nature call, bring your cellphone with you! and start writing it down there :).  i even whatsapp or email myself to remind myself to do something.

4. Spend 1 or 2 hours of your saturday or sunday looking back at ALL the things that you need to do and plot it down.  The thing that you say you want to do yesterday today? yups, put that thing down and slot it into your calendar and set that thing on a ringer.

i always imagine myself floating in the air or from a higher place on the things that i yet to do and plan it, i call it my Bigger picture time.

5. set a deadline for yourself and trick yourself into doing it. you can procrastinate ( i am) but you cant never run away from it.  

in the end, don't beat yourself up just because things doesn't go as planned, there is still god :). we can only plan but he will decide what's the best for us.  as long as we are aware of our role and the things that we need to do, we will be just fine.  happy planning :)

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